Dec 21, 2022 | News
The meaning and spirit of Christmas, at its best, is one of hope and community. It is a history that has developed and changed over the centuries, primarily in Europe and the United States. Because of the positive and inclusive message, the tradition of Christmas has...
May 29, 2022 | News
Estate plans are valuable and important tools in planning for your death. Your estate plan is a kind of inventory, a “snapshot in time,” identifying most of your assets as of the time the estate plan documents are signed. A well-prepared estate plan can make the task...
Mar 27, 2022 | News
If you have or are considering a revocable living trust, you should name who will take over the management of the assets in your trust and the handling of trust related finances if you become incapacitated or after you die. This person is called a successor trustee....
Dec 21, 2021 | News
Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Safe Holiday Season and New Year Law Offices of William H. Holsinger 1710 So. Amphlett Blvd., Suite 210A San Mateo, CA 94402-2705 (650) 340-7500...
Sep 5, 2021 | News
A New World Email, teleconferencing, websites, remote offices, texting, electronic filing, video court appearances, face masks, electronic billings and payments. These are the benchmarks of a new world and a new way for an attorney to practice law and for an...
May 25, 2021 | News
Life is precious. The worldwide pandemic has reminded of this truth. Many have lost loved ones and friends or known someone who has. As an attorney whose practice includes trust and estate planning and as a long-time hospice volunteer, I have seen firsthand the...