Contact Us
Appointments are available Monday through Friday by calling us at 650-340-7500. Special arrangements are available for evening and weekend appointments.
The Law Office of William H. Holsinger is conveniently located on 1710 South Amphlett Blvd., Suite 210A, San Mateo, CA 94402-2715
Driving Directions
Freeway (Highway 101): West on Interstate 92, off at them Delaware Ave. exit, east on Concar Drive, across Delaware Ave. The road curves left (north) onto So. Amphlett Blvd. Turn left into the second or third driveway and into the office complex.
Interstate 280: Interstate 92, off at the Delaware Ave. exit, left onto Delaware Ave., right (east) on Concar Drive, across Delaware Ave. The road curves left (north) onto So. Amphlett Blvd. Turn left into the second or third driveway and into the office complex.
Interstate 92 Westbound: Off at the Delaware Ave. exit., east on Concar Drive, across Delaware Ave. The road curves left (north) onto So. Amphlett Blvd. Turn left into the second or third driveway and into the office complex.
Interstate 92 Eastbound: Freeway (Off at the Delaware Ave. exit, left onto Delaware Ave., right (east) on Concar Drive. The road curves left (north) onto So. Amphlett Blvd.Turn left into the second or third driveway and into the office complex
1710 So. Amphlett Blvd. is in the rear middle of the office complex. Suite 210A is on the second floor at the north end of the central hallway.

Find Us
1710 South Amphlett Blvd.
Suite 210A
San Mateo, CA 94402-2715
Call Us
William [at] HolsingerLawOffice [dot] com